<strong>Earlier on in my NM career I started to observe people in a way that I had never done before.</strong>

<strong>I felt it was very important for my personal growth and becoming the person that I wanted to be.</strong>

<strong>So here is what I started noticing</strong>

<strong>- have you ever notice the people who constantly talk about their poor health have poor health</strong>

<strong>- have you ever notice the people who constantly complain about their lives are always complaining about everything else

<strong>- have you ever notice the people who constantly talk about money challenges always have money challenges</strong>

<strong>- have you ever notice the people who constantly talk about success, abundance, prosperity have it</strong>

<strong>Well think about it which is what I certainly did, that the words we use have a certain “POWER” especially when they are repeated overtime.</strong>

<strong>Don’t underestimate the Power of your Words, change your thoughts and words and you will change your life.</strong>


<strong>Your friend &amp; business partner,</strong>

<strong>Joe Garcia