As I write this I am

Heading back home  3 countries 10 day trip building Dreams…

The last couple of days has been really busy for me after the Sweden event 25 + prospect appts in 2 days and it reminded me of some of my personal experiences – As I look back December has been some of my greatest recruiting months ….

December really does set the tone for January and that sets the tone for the first quarter… and the year.

Prospects and possibilities are never more aware and more frustrated with their time and money available in December.

We with our incredible Network Marketing/Direct sales business model  are offering more time and money. This is what we sell.  The industry has never been positioned like it is now globally it is becoming self evident….

Want an incredible year next year it starts now…

You do it and don’t listen to the nonsense of all the others who have “gone to sleep with no action” and, above all …

I have Never, Never, Never … Ever, listened to a prospect about driving my business.

Our peers in the industry who’ve basically are slowing down their business in December and are becoming inactive  want you to join them so they don’t feel guilty … think about it!  They have bought into the premise that everyone is focused on the holidays and they have no time to think about a new business…

So, you know how to close in December … but how do you get them to the table?

When a prospect gives me the Christmas Holiday objection I come back with this

1- You know Sandra successful people make decisions opposite to what the majority of the world do . Majority of the world the masses will be complaining in January that they don’t have the money to pay off their credit card , they will take till late January early February just to get things going

Where as there is a small percentage of people who really turn out to be the successful ones they start now start to built the momentum during the holidays and when January comes they are starting 2018 with momentum with a Big Bang

Which person do you want to be ???

The prospects who engage with you now and choose the top achiever mentality  you definitely know that you have a great potential leader ……

So just in review enjoy the holidays stay consistent with your business and prospecting and you will have a flourishing start to next year and well ahead of your peers….

Your friend,

Joe G